I figure it's about time to start counting down days till the big events happen!
Let's see today is the 10 of August so I have
34 days till I give my farwell talk
35 days till I turn 21
51 days till I leave for Provo.
Well there you go now you are up on days!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Well ladies and gents it happened! I got my call and I'm officially gonna be a Utard for the next year and a half. I was called to the Provo/ St. George Visitor Center Mission. Now I know what you are thinking, so she's gonna be a Visitor's Center Missionary? ha! But it at least I'm not at Temple Square. heh. What is amazing is how huge my mission is. It is almost all of Utah, a bit in Colorado and even a smidge in Arizona. Plus I imagine they wont have me in the visitor's center all the time so I'll get a work out. :) I think it'll be awesome!
Thanks you to all those who came and supported me in this endeavor and sat and waited in anticipation while I said "maybe it'll come today." The waiting paid off! I'm going to Utah!